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DCW | Hannover Messe 2013 · Global Business & Markets

HANNOVER MESSE 2013 – Global Business & Markets

HANNOVER MESSE Global Business & Markets, Hall 13, Stand E 20

April 8th–12th 2014


Thomas Scheler
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Tel.: +49-221-120-370

Co-operation Partner

EUCBA – EU–China Business Association


Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V.

“Doing Business with China” International Joint Booth

HANNOVER MESSE 2013 – Global Business & Markets

HANNOVER MESSE is a major forum for decision-makers and the most important technology event worldwide, where professionals consist of 95% of the attendees. This impressive event attracts 200.000 trade visitors, companies and 5.000 exhibitors from various countries at one venue.

HANNOVER MESSE’s “Global Business & Markets” foreign trade platform, presents a collection of measures and programs that promote foreign trade, commercial services, and highlight new business locations. In particular, this platform helps small and medium sized firms develop their operations in foreign markets.

Aside from the “Doing Business with China” joint booth, DCW organized the “EU–China Economic Cooperation (EUCEC) Forum 2013” and the “Chinese European Intercultural Communication (CEIC) Seminar 2013”.


„Doing Business with China“ HANNOVER MESSE 2013 „Doing Business with China“ HANNOVER MESSE 2013
Joint Booth “Doing Business with China” HANNOVER MESSE 2013

Our Co-Exhibitors at the “Doing Business with China” International Joint Booth

Logo Yiwu Municipal People’s Government

Yiwu Municipal People’s Government

Logo Berners Consulting

Berners Consulting GmbH


Logo Direct HR

Direct HR

Logo TAO European Incoming

TAO European Incoming


Logo Chemie Cluster Bayern

Chemie-Cluster Bayern

Logo Asia-Pacific Management Consulting

Asia-Pacific Management Consulting


Logo CBC Marketing & Communications

CBC Marketing & Communications



Logo Invest HK

Invest Hong Kong




EU-China Economic Cooperation (EUCEC) Forum 2013

Chinese European Intercultural Communication (CEIC) Seminar 2013


Wir danken für die Unterstützung:

TK Official Health Partner

Messe Düsseldorf Homepage
Rödl & Partner Homepage

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