Sub-Forum: “Invest in Germany: Opportunities for Chinese Enterprises Going Abroad”, 1 November 2018 in Jinan
On 1 November 2018, the German-Chinese Business Association (DCW) organized the Forum “Invest in Germany: Opportunities for Chinese Enterprises Going Abroad” at the 2018 Sino-German SME Cooperation and Communication Conference (SMEC 2018) that took place from 31 October to 2 November 2018 in Jinan. The conference with the topic “Gather Intelligence for Innovation, Energize Industries for Future” was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the People’s Government of Shandong Province, and the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Representatives from European industry enterprises were invited to attend a business delegation organized by DCW with the aim to attend a match-making event to get in contact with Chinese enterprises from different sectors such as IT and software, medicine and health, engineering and manufacturing, electronics, education, automotive as well as artificial intelligence and big data.
Foto: © SMEC 2018
The Forum “Invest in Germany: Opportunities for Chinese Enterprises Going Abroad” intended to support Chinese companies that are planning to cooperate with German companies or to explore the German market. After a welcome note by Ms Yingchun WANG, Vice-Chairwoman of the Management Committee of Jinan High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Ms. Silke Besser, General Manager of DCW and Mr. Xuefeng BAI, Project Manager at D C W GmbH, gave a short introduction of DCW as non-profit organization that aims to promote economic relations between China and Germany.
Mr. Jie LIANG, NRW.INVEST China/Guangzhou, first gave an overview over cooperation opportunities for Chinese enterprises in the German market. Dr. Jing WANG, Rödl & Partner Shanghai, then presented the advantages and shortcomings of different forms of enterprise that are available for an investment in Germany. After this introduction to the topic, Dr. Mario Feuerstein, DeBund Law Offices, explained to the attendees how to avoid violations of intellectual property rights in the context of attending exhibitions in Germany.
Fotos: © SMEC 2018
After a short coffee break, Mr. Brad Liu, Ecovis Beijing, gave an introductory presentation about the German immigration law with a special focus on the application for residence permit and visas. His talk was complemented by the presentation of Mr. Matthias C. Just, Mayland AG, on strategies and legal practice for Sino-German M&A activities. Finally, Mr. Victor Lee, Greatview Aseptic Packaging, gave an experience report of a Chinese company invested in Germany.
Fotos: © SMEC 2018
After the presentations, the attendees of the forum were invited to take part in a lively question and answer session and to deepen their insights in personal conversations with the speakers. DCW is grateful to the conference organizers to be able to host this event in Jinan as well as to all participants for their interest and the speakers for their informative presentations.
Jasper Habicht