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DCW | Partners

The German Chinese Business Association (DCW) is the German member of the EU-China Business Association (EUCBA), and the official German partner of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). The work of DCW is also supported by various sponsors.


DCW is the official German partner of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

CCPIT is a global organisation with 38 diplomatic missions, 23 industrial associations and 50 sub-councils in the economic centers outside of China. As China’s largest institution for the promotion of foreign trade, it has also become a strong partner of DCW in China. This cooperation is open to DCW members, offering extensive networking opportunities to and within China.

Since 1988, the CCPIT has also held the designation of China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) after approval by the Chinese State Council. In 2005, CCOIC was officially registered as an independent organ under the supervision of CCPIT and now has over 300,000 member companies.

Website of the CCPIT


DCW is the German member of the EU–China Business Association (EUCBA).

The EUCBA is an association of non-profit business organizations from the EU countries and provides support for economic and trade relations between European and Chinese companies.

Currently the EUCBA has 19 participating organisations, from 20 different European countries. Together, these orgnisations represent a membership of over 20,000 companies, of all sizes and from all industry, trade, and service sectors. Each organisations of their respective countries takes a leading role, in cooperating with Chinese enterprises.

The EUCBA supports the interests of its members, and acts on economic and trade issues as a point of contact with the European Commison. Relationships with the official Chinese representatives are in Brussels and to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC).

Website of the EUCBA

Letter of solidarity from DCW partners in the context of the corona epidemic

We are grateful to our supporters:

TK Official Health Partner

Messe Düsseldorf Homepage
Rödl & Partner Homepage

Support us!

If your organization would like to cooperate with DCW or support DCW or its products with a sponsorship, please feel free to get in touch. D C W GmbH is in charge of oganizing cooperations and sponsoring projects for DCW.

Thomas Scheler Thomas Scheler
General Manager, D C W GmbH

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